Training FAQs
Technical Requirements
What do I need to set up a new student account?
To set up an student account you will need an email address and user name unique to you.
To access your course(s) you will need a computer, smart phone or tablet with internet access.
- An email account
- Access to a computer, smart phone or tablet
- Access to the internet
How do I set up an account?
You will need to ‘sign up’ for a new account
Once you have registered for an account and have set up your profile – you are now in a position to start signing on to courses!
You can search our courses by clicking on the ‘courses’ tab in the top right hand corner. You will then be presented with our available courses. If you wish to sign up then you should click ‘add to basket’ on the relevant course.
After we have received payment, this will then appear for you under the ‘My Courses’ tab when you are signed into the site.
- Sign up online
- Set up your profile
- Select and sign up to available courses
- Sign in to access your course(s)
What do I need to take part in an online facilitated session?
To participate in the online facilitated sessions with your tutor, you will need a computer, smart phone or tablet with a mic (video camera optional).
We are currently using Zoom for the facilitated sessions, so please check you are able to access this on your computer before booking the course.
- Access to a computer, smart phone or tablet with a mic (camera optional)
- Access to Zoom