Our sustainability commitment

Our commitment to sustainable development is at the heart of what we do every day.

Our commitment to sustainable development is about walking the talk, putting theory into practice and evidencing it.  We exist to accelerate progress towards a fair and just society, an inclusive low-carbon economy and healthy, restored ecosystems.  And our job is not only to do it well but also to do it with minimal negative impact on the environment, economy and society.

We are a service-based organisation, with no premises of our own or car fleet and most of our impact is attributed to business travel, staff commute and purchase of goods and services. 

Over the last few years, we have been driving our progress toward reducing negative impacts on the environment and finding ways to measure and communicate our progress.

This statement serves (i) to keep us accountable to this commitment and (ii) to set out our actions to date and for the future. 

We will be publishing annual updates to these actions on this page. 

Our commitment

  • Reduce our carbon footprint by 46.2% by 2030 and by 90% by 2050 from our current measured footprint of 7.3 tonnes of CO2e.
  • Measure our footprint year on year.
  • Communicate with our partners what our targets are and share learning to encourage others to reduce their own impact on the environment.
  • Review and revise this policy annually.
  • Provide Carbon Literacy and Nature Wise training to our Members, with at least one staff person trained from each organisation.

In addition, we will:

  • Continue to buy any goods or services that support local businesses as well as those that support the real Living Wage; and not buy any goods or services that are directly or indirectly linked to environmental destruction, slavery, exploitation, destruction of communities, genocide, or cultural destruction.
  • Select venues based on their approach to active travel, fair work, and managing resources and waste. 
  • Adhere to and promote a sustainable business travel hierarchy: first walk or cycle, then public transport, electric car club, car share if necessary and only take flights if there is no feasible alternative.

What have we done already?

Some highlights on our journey so far…


The establishment of the organisation was led by Sue Essex AM, the then Minister for the Environment in the Welsh government.

The Sustainable Development Forum for Wales was registered in 2002 and established in 2003 to be an independent body working alongside government to advance sustainable development in Wales.


Since 2012, Cynnal Cymru has been committed to the UN Global Compact corporate responsibility initiative and its principles in the areas of human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption. 


In 2014, we became a registered charity: promoting sustainable development for the benefit of the public.

We are the first charity in Wales to have this as our primary aim.

A new chapter

In 2016, following the formation of the new Office of the of the Commissioner for Future Generations, our contract with Welsh Government ended. 

Determined to build on the existing knowledge, skills and experience; we took the first steps towards establishing the organisation you see today.

This included introducing a four-day working week.


In 2016 we became the official accreditation body for the real Living Wage in Wales and an accredited Living Wage employer.


In 2017 we began our partnership with The Carbon Literacy Project and delivered our first accredited Carbon Literacy course in person.


Delivered our first accredited online Carbon Literacy course and held our first meetings and events online.

Recognised as the first Carbon Literacy Training Organisation (CLTO) in Wales.

Became a paperless organisation.


Badge from the green web foundation to say cynnal cymru is hosted green

Launched our new online training platform.

Website moved to a UK based server, using green energy / compensation for its services.

Piloted and launched Nabod Natur – Nature Wise, our new eco-literacy training.

Nature Wise transparent background

Updated our Membership offer to include FREE Carbon Literacy or Nature Wise training.

Updated our procurement guidance to reflect how we can educate and inspire our supply chain to take further action.


Moved our office to Sbarc | Spark – a new co-working space (BREEAM standard and Living Wage Building) and in so doing became a remote organisation with no capital assets apart from laptops.

Calculated our Scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions in 2022 with a baseline of 2019 (end of financial year) which is 7 tonnes of CO2e.

Committed to a 1.5 degree C aligned SBTI target covering full scope 1, 2 and 3.

Signed Pledge to Net Zero.

Signed Pledge to Zero Racism Wales

Participated in the inaugural RACE Report to establish a transparent baseline on our lack of racial diversity.

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