Sustainability Guides for SMEs

How can a small or medium enterprise (SME) be sustainable in your actions? 

Our Advice team are here to help you. 

Take action towards removing inequalities in your workplace.

We provide actionable changes towards staff training, benefits, flexible working arrangements, and more. Creating a more inclusive environment for your staff is possible for organisations of any size and budget.

Cynnal Cymru are the real Living Wage Accreditor for Wales. Check out how you can become a Living Wage Employer.

Reassess your suppliers and find new sources for materials in your work.

Whether you’re a business that provides goods such as a shop or cafe, or if you’re an office-based business needing to purchase electronics and office supplies, you can consider where you get your materials and find more ethical sources.

As part of our services, we provide a Carbon Accounting services to help businesses understand your carbon impact, including the materials you purchase. See if Carbon Accounting is for you.

Do you know how workers are treated along your supply chain?

It can be difficult to find out whether your suppliers are treating their workers fairly, which is where this guide can help. With key questions to ask yourself and your suppliers as well as actionable goals, you can find suppliers that you trust to treat their workers as fairly as you treat yours.

If these changes feel too big to make alone, our action planning service can give you the support you need.

Minimise your waste and find waste management strategies.

We’re all aware of the amount of landfill and pollution on land, sea, and air, getting worse day by day. As a responsible business, if you want to go beyond basic reuse and recycle requirements, these tips and tricks can reassure you that you’re creating the least waste possible. We can never reduce our waste entirely, but we can always do more. 

Unsure where to start? We can provide transformative strategies to work towards your personalised sustainability goals.

Understand and reduce your energy and water usage.

As an island nation, we rely on shipping for many of our products. On top of tips to reduce water and energy usage in your supply chain by using local products and responsible importers, this guide will also help you understand how to track and limit your business’ daily energy usage. 

Our Carbon Accounting service will help you fully understand your energy usage through an audit of your supply chain, office energy usage, and more, with action items to reduce your energy usage each year.

Unsure how to use the guides? Learn more here

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