Foundational Economy


The Foundational Economy is relevant to both policy-makers and place-makers. Cynnal Cymru works with both to explore and explain why this part of the economy matters to sustainability.

Foundational Economy

The Centre for Local Economic Strategies (CLES)

The Centre for Local Economic Strategies (CLES) is a Manchester based charity working to develop local economies for the benefit of local people, place and planet. CLES works with organisations and people who make up and have influence over local economies, bringing them together and providing support to devise solutions and deliver positive change. CLES’s practice-based research explores different routes and best practice to achieve this.

Foundational Economy Research Ltd (FERL)

Foundational Economy Research Ltd (FERL) is an action research agency producing analysis to improve understanding of the foundational economy and offering practical ways of improving its function for producers and the public. FERL works with and for government, third sector and trade bodies, building partnerships to support long term implementation of its research.

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