Fair Economy

Cynnal Cymru is Wales’ leading sustainable development charity, and we aim to enable action towards a fair and just society, a low carbon economy and a thriving natural environment. 


Our charitable objectives include the relief of poverty and the improvement of the conditions of life for those socially and economically disadvantaged, and the promotion of sustainable means of achieving economic growth and regeneration.  


Our Fair Economy team works on projects that contribute towards these aims. 

Building an economy that works for everyone

We undertake work to build a more fair and just society and economy for Wales: aiming to reduce poverty and to promote sustainable economic regeneration. 

Our current priorities include spreading Fair Work and a Living Wage across Wales (related to the 8th UN Sustainable Development Goal) and supporting Wales’ Foundational Economy. 


Living Wage Wales

We are the Living Wage Foundation’s Accreditation Partner for Wales. That means we host Living Wage Wales in-house at Cynnal Cymru. Our Living Wage staff advocates for the real Living Wage across Wales, supporting employers to gain a Living Wage, Living Hours, or Living Pensions accreditation with a hand-holding service. Our accreditations have directly resulted in pay rises for thousands of people across Wales. The Living Wage is a key parts of the Welsh Government’s Fair Work agenda, and we are funded by the Welsh Government in our work. We also work to support the other goals of the Fair Work agenda.

Foundational Economy

The Foundational Economy is the part of our economy that is fundamental to our lives – such as healthcare, childcare, transport and utilities. The importance of this part of the economy has often been overlooked by policy makers and is sometimes called the ‘everyday economy’. Cynnal Cymru is funded by the Welsh Government to organise the Foundational Economy Capabilities Network (FECN), and to provide support in strengthening Wales’ Foundational Economy. You can learn more about what the Foundational Economy concept is and how Cynnal Cymru supports it.

Lady writing on paper during a workshop


Cynnal Cymru works on other short-term projects related to our charitable objectives in the Fair Economy space. This work has included research on how to tackle low pay in priority sectors, training trade union representatives on how to leverage new legislation into better outcomes for their members, and other projects that contribute towards a fair and just society and action towards reducing poverty. Get in touch to talk about how we can work together.

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