Equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) are core values shared by the staff and board of Cynnal Cymru – Sustain Wales.
Promoting EDI is at the centre of our work to create a fair and just society through initiatives such as the real Living Wage, however, we recognise that having an impact on reducing inequality through our work is not enough.
Creating an organisation that embodies EDI underpins our ability to carry out our charitable aims, including supporting a just transition to a low carbon economy and a thriving natural environment.
We want everyone who works for us, and our members and clients who work with us, to feel valued and accepted regardless of age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex, and sexual orientation.
However, whilst our intentions have always been good, we have lacked the policies, procedures and people to show that we are truly committed to improving EDI within Cynnal Cymru and the sustainable development sector.
2022-23 marked a step-change in actioning our commitment and this statement serves (i) to keep us accountable to this commitment and (ii) to set out our actions to date and for the future.
Latest updates
What have we done already?
- At staff and board level we have recognised that enhancing diversity and inclusion is critical to the ability of Cynnal Cymru to carry out its charitable aims and accelerate progress towards a low carbon economy, a thriving natural environment and a fair and just society
- Signed the Community Jobs Compact to underline our commitment to providing opportunities for young people in the Southern Arc of Cardiff
- Participated in the inaugural RACE Report to establish a transparent baseline on our lack of racial diversityÂ
- Signed BiTC’s Race at Work Charter Â
- Committed to the Zero Racism Wales pledge
- Participated in a three-month Agile Nation 2 Business Programme with Chwarae Teg, with a specific focus on improving our practice in the recruitment, progression and retention of an agile and diverse workforce. Â
- Introduced blind hiring processes to help reduce any unconscious bias when recruiting.Â
- Appointed a senior staff member to have responsibility for leading on EDI in the organisation and created an internal EDI working group.
- Successfully targeted recruitment to improve the racial diversity of our Board.
What are we in the process of doing?
- Reviewing our EDI policy and related policies including Bullying and Harassment, Flexible Working and Family Friendly policies.
- Sourcing EDI training for staff and the Board.
- Creating the next phase of our EDI action plan. Â