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Nature Wise for business – ‘Give it a go, because the clock is ticking’

Tell us about Orangebox and your role 

We design and manufacture office furniture and the company is sustainability-led. Our HQ and two factories are in south-east Wales, and three years ago we were bought out by Steelcase, a big American company. 

I joined as a furniture designer around 20 years ago, but just over a year ago I became Head of Sustainability. I’m interested in minimising our carbon footprint and I also look after our energy efficiency. 

Why is nature important to you and the businesses? 

I do a lot of cycling, I’m a keen birdwatcher and part of a conservation group. So I’m passionate about biodiversity and I’m helping Orangebox acknowledge that climate change isn’t the only big risk.  

Part of the Orangebox team volunteering at the Stump up for Trees nursery outside of Abergavenny.

How important is nature in your sector? 

Increasingly so, but we are at the first rungs on the ladder. Orangebox prides itself on being environmentally-led, but it’s always felt like we’ve been pushing. Now customers are asking how they can reduce their carbon footprint. The biodiversity and nature discussion is nowhere near as mature, but as we see more media exposure of biodiversity loss that will increase exponentially in the next 5 years.  

What do you think are the best things about nature in Wales?  

It’s the variety. I love where I live because in half an hour I can be on top of a mountain, on a cliff looking out to sea, or at Newport wetlands surrounded by thousands of starlings. 

I work in a design studio on the banks of the Taff, where I’m lucky to look onto woodland. Every time we see a species of bird we print out a picture and put it on the wall. You won’t believe how many species we’ve seen!  

Why did you choose to do Nature Wise? 

The minute I saw it, I wanted to deepen my knowledge of how ecosystems work and get a better understanding of biodiversity loss. Because I’m with Cardiff Conservation Volunteers my course was essentially free, as it was funded by GWR. 

Volunteering at Stump up for Trees.

How was the course? 

I really enjoyed it. The trainers knew the content and had passion for it, and it was just the right level in terms of complexity. 

What changes are you making, following the course? 

Personally, I’ve pledged to do more in my village and have been talking to my neighbours. But more impactful will be how I can help at Orangebox. We’re thinking harder about the materials we use and where they come from. For example, we use a lot of wood, and while that is low impact compared to plastics and metals, we still have to buy most of it from abroad. So we’re working hard on developing partnerships that allow us to source wood from well-managed forests in the UK.  

Litter Gareth collected from a local stream.

What would you say to others about why they should sign up for Nature Wise? 

Give it a go, because the clock is ticking.  

Nabod Natur – Nature Wise is a science-based, action-focused course to help individuals to understand the relationships between people and natural systems. It shares knowledge, builds understanding and provide the tools to motivate and catalyse action. 

Nature Wise for business – ‘Give it a go, because the clock is ticking’ Read More »

'It's important for people to disconnect from work and get out in nature' Julie Longton, Associate Director (Grasshopper Communications)

Nature Wise for Business – ‘being outside and close to nature is crucial for wellbeing’

What is your job at Grasshopper Communications?

I’m a communications professional at Grasshopper, a communications agency with an office in Cardiff. Our work is all about social value, we create campaigns that change attitudes and actions in positive, lasting ways. We partner with like-minded organisations, such as renewable energy companies, environment agencies and local and Welsh Government, supporting campaigns on active travel, regeneration, net zero and conservation.  

What are the best things about nature for you? 

I work remotely and I’m usually in front of my laptop, so it’s critical I spend any free time out by the beach, or in the woods walking with my kids and spotting birds and beetles. 

I want to bring my children up so that they’re really fond of nature. Our local beach, Maenporth (near Falmouth), has lots of craggy rocks and little tunnels which kids love. We can go whatever the weather – they just love it! 

How important is nature to your sector? 

I think that for communications – for most industries – people have realised that the environment is important for staff wellbeing. The pandemic was a bit of a turning point, when we realised that we need human connection but also that being outside and close to nature is crucial for wellbeing.  

Why is nature important to you and the business? 

Personally, being closer to nature was part of the motivation for moving with my family from London to Cornwall. I wanted my children to be close to the woods and the beach, to have more work-life balance and be closer to wildlife.  

As for Grasshopper, wellbeing is a real focus for us – it’s part of our culture. It’s important for people to disconnect from work and get out in nature. In fact, this year we’re hopefully starting some team voluntary work to support a local conservation charity.  

Grasshopper Communications team on a wellbeing day.

Why did you do the Nature Wise course? 

I was keen to do it because at the time I was putting together a communications strategy for a project for Natural Resources Wales, called Natur Am Byth. The aim is to bring people closer to nature and protect endangered species. So Nature Wise was really helpful for that role, particularly for the work I was doing on how to inspire people. 

How did you find the course? 

I thought it was brilliant. The trainers were really good and it really was a two-way course with lots of discussion. Doing it over two days meant you could go away and digest it before coming back to the next phase. 

What would you say to others about doing Nature Wise?  

Go for it! Whether you’re a junior member of staff or a senior manager, it’s relevant for anyone with an interest in the environment who wants to take a more active role. 

Nabod Natur – Nature Wise is a science-based, action-focused course to help individuals to understand the relationships between people and natural systems. It shares knowledge, builds understanding and provide the tools to motivate and catalyse action. 

Nature Wise for Business – ‘being outside and close to nature is crucial for wellbeing’ Read More »

Nature Wise for Business – Working in harmony with nature

What is your role at Arup?

My focus is on two projects with Welsh Water, helping them maintain and improve sewer systems. My job includes sending out survey crews and coming up with ways to make sure the system works properly.

Is there anything you think is particularly special about nature in Wales?

I grew up in west Wales and we have fantastic beaches there – one of my favourite spots is Tresaith (in Ceredigion). I love seeing birds, seals and dolphins. Since moving to the valleys I really appreciate the waterfalls and forests, and I like walking at Garwnant (in the Brecon Beacons, near Merthyr Tydfil).

Why did you take the Nature Wise course?

I was interested because I saw it as an opportunity to link my work with my interest in nature. I like spending time outdoors, doing walking and cycling in the Brecon Beacons, so I often think about how to improve the environment.

How useful did you find the course?

It was very helpful to focus on what you can do as an individual, how I can think in a more eco-friendly way and talk to others about preserving nature for future generations. I really liked hearing success stories like the recovery of the red kite.

Why should someone do Nature Wise?

It’s great for beginners, as it explains why it’s important to look after the natural environment, sets out the problem and lays out solutions. For those with more knowledge it’s a refresher. We need policy makers to have these attitudes embedded.

What have you been doing to help nature since doing the course?

Arup’s very good at considering the impact of its actions, but I have presented what I learnt to my colleagues and that’s been a useful reminder.

Personally, I’ve been working on my garden and had been planning to dig up the tree stumps. I’ve now realised they’re a vital habitat that’s being lost. I’ve explained this to my children – it’s a good teaching opportunity! Another thing in my plan is to try to have more native plants.

What about the future?

I hope construction will use more nature-based solutions, like using wetlands. And I hope that will filter through into the general population and people will realise how important nature is, and have more of a connection.

What is your message to other engineers?

I’d say that the more we involve nature in solutions, the more durable that project will be. So let’s work with nature rather than fight against it!

Nabod Natur – Nature Wise is a science-based, action-focused course to help individuals to understand the relationships between people and natural systems. It shares knowledge, builds understanding and provide the tools to motivate and catalyse action. 

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Free Carbon Literacy Training

*Rural Newport includes the wards of Llanwern, Marshfield, Graig, Langstone, and Caerleon.

Up to 90 free online training places are available for members of the community in the area who’d like to know more about the Climate crisis and how to take action.

There are also up to 116 places available for Town or Community Councils and those looking after Community Buildings.

Carbon Literacy is a training course which develops an awareness of:

“the carbon costs and impacts of everyday activities and the ability and motivation to reduce emissions, on an individual, community and organisational basis.”

Participants will:

  • Develop action plans for themselves and a group
  • Use their knowledge for the benefit of their own lives, their local area and the Climate.
  • Those successfully completing the course will be awarded a certificate
  • Follow-up contact will help them maintain progress and share ideas to inspire others.


The course is “A day’s worth of learning spread across one week.”
Several cohorts will run online from January – March 2022 – you can see the available dates and booking links below
Participants will:

  • Join two online sessions (3hours each on different days)
  • Complete 1 hours worth of self-directed learning online at their convenience
  • Give a total time commitment of 7 hours across one calendar week.

Members of the Community – find your cohort here!

Choose a Cohort number from the table below. Follow the booking link and click on the cohort number to book your place on both Workshops.

Cohort Name and No.Workshop Dates and TimesBooking Link
Community Cohort 1 1. January 11th 2022 09:30-12:30
2. January 13th 2022 09:30 -12:30
Book your place
Community Cohort 2 1. January 25th 2022 18:00-21:00
2. January 27th 2022 18:00-21:00
Book your place
Community Cohort 31. February 21st 2022 13:30 – 16:30
2. February 23rd 2022 13:30 -16:30
Book your place

Town and Community Councils and those looking after Community Buildings – find your cohort here!

Choose a Cohort number from the table below. Follow the booking link and click on the cohort number to book your place on both Workshops.

Cohort Name and No.Workshop Dates and TimesBooking Link
Councils and Buildings Cohort 11. January 18th 2022 18:00-21:00
2. January 20th 2022 18:00-21:00
Book your place
Councils and Buildings Cohort 21. February 7th 2022 13:30-16:30
2. February 9th 2022 13:30 -16:30
Book your place
Councils and Buildings Cohort 31. February 21st 2022 13:30-16:30
2. February 23rd 2022 13:30 -16:30
Book your place
Councils and Buildings Cohort 4 1. March 8th 2022 09:30-12:30
2. March 10th 2022 09:30 – 12:30
Book your place

The free places are available thanks to Welsh Government Rural Communities – Rural Development Programme 2014-2020, which is supported by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development and the Welsh Government’

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Launch of the Carbon Literacy Train-the-Trainer course

This month we will be launching our new Carbon Literacy Train-the-Trainer course. Developed by certified Carbon Literacy trainers, Rhodri Thomas and Bethan Harvey, this new course will enable organisations to develop the capacity to train their own staff inhouse.

The themes for this course are:

  1. Being the best trainer you can be
    Core principles of adult education, learning how best to convey information to others, creating an atmosphere conducive to learning and sharing, lesson content and planning, and training techniques.
  2. Knowing your subject – being an Advocate for Carbon Literacy.
    Developing your knowledge of the Carbon Literacy project; history, objectives, The Carbon Literacy Standard, assessment methods, and certification process.
  3. The Practical Element – presenting a micro-teach and peer assessing the work of others to improve your practical experience of Carbonn Literacy delivery

Who is this course for?

  • Individuals who are Carbon Literacy certified and are in a position to train their colleagues or others in Carbon Literacy.
  • For organisations that want to build capacity within teams to train peers.
  • People can attend the course as part of an open group or larger organisations can book the course for private delivery for a groups of a minimum of 4 colleagues.

Course duration: three days over a week

The course lasts for three full days (each day covering one of the themes in detail) over a week and will typically be delivered face to face but can be taken online in accordance with COVID-19 safety precautions. It is a highly interactive course involving group activities and the practicing of teaching skills – this includes several opportunities to practice and a dedicated day for micro-teaching.

Course tutors

The tutors are Bethan Harvey and Rhodri Thomas. They both have a Professional Graduate Certificate in Adult Education and are certified Carbon Literate. Rhodri is a certified Carbon Literacy Project trainer.


The course fee is £750 plus VAT per person.

This is not a formal training / teaching qualification but it will help your team to prepare, develop and deliver their own Carbon Literacy course.

Launch of the Carbon Literacy Train-the-Trainer course Read More »

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