Carbon Literacy

Food Skills Cymru – Sustainability Training with Lantra

The Food Skills Cymru programme delivered by Lantra aims to support Welsh businesses within the food and drink processing and manufacturing industry to upskill and train employees. As part of the project, Lantra worked in collaboration with sustainability experts from Cynnal Cymru and Eco Studio to develop a Sustainability Training Programme. The course was designed to “equip participants with the knowledge and skills… appropriate to their situation that address environmental management, sustainability and social impact.”

As Cynnal Cymru’s role in the project draws to a close, we are celebrating its positive impact upon Welsh businesses by sharing the following case studies:

At Cynnal Cymru, we offer a variety of training services. To find out more about our Carbon Literacy and Naturewise courses, visit our training page. If you are interested in Cynnal Cymru developing a bespoke course to suit your specific needs and requirements, please contact us via

Food Skills Cymru – Sustainability Training with Lantra Read More »

How the CLCC is breaking down barriers in climate education

Since its inception, 75 members have become trainers and 157 individuals have certified as carbon literate. CLCC’s Project Lead (Luke Penny) and Facilitator (Fiona Humphreys) were interviewed by Abi Hoare Development Officer at Cynnal Cymru to share the story behind the collaboration.

What is the CLCC?

Carbon Literacy Cartrefi Cymru (CLCC) is a consortium of 27 different housing associations in Wales, which have individually contributed resources to increase Carbon Literacy throughout Welsh social housing.

Through peer-to-peer delivery, the project provides the tools necessary for individual tenants to understand the causes and consequences of climate change, as well as empower them to act upon their choices. At the close of 2021, 75 trainers were involved, and 157 individuals had been certified as Carbon Literate, even though most independent courses weren’t due to start until 2022.

What is a consortium?

Effectively, a consortium is a formal collaboration, where people work together to achieve a common objective. In this instance, the common objective is to certify as many Carbon Literate individuals as possible within housing associations – both staff and tenants.

How does it work?

Each of the housing associations involved have contributed resources to fund the development of Carbon Literacy delivery within their individual organisations. Currently, 75 staff members have attended Cynnal Cymru’s ‘Train the Trainer’ course to support their teaching.

Even though the delivery is down to the trainer’s own discretion, participants will typically receive a day’s worth of virtual peer-to-peer learning, before submitting an evidence form to become certified. This will feature two pledges that will have a positive effect on carbon reduction at home and in their workplace/ with a group.

What is its main advantage?

Firstly, it removes the ‘us and them’ narrative that dampens climate activism and makes it inaccessible. One of the difficulties with climate change discourse, is that it’s difficult to know where to start if you have no formal education.

By providing Carbon Literacy training through housing associations, the course can give individuals the starting block they need that they may not have had the time, money, or knowledge to access otherwise.

How has working in collaboration increased action on Carbon Literacy?

In simple terms, by training new trainers, more individuals can take part in the Carbon Literacy Project than before. Not to mention, the resulting network and Communities of Practice are providing moral support that otherwise wouldn’t be possible.

The energy and excitement of the CLCC’s trainers is what makes all the difference, so having a safe space to share experiences and challenges has helped significantly.

What role does Cynnal Cymru play in the consortium?

Cynnal Cymru acts purely within a secretariat and facilitator role. It has no specific requirements within the project, besides its initial creation and providing the necessary tools and support. What housing associations and trainers choose to do with Carbon Literacy beyond that is entirely their own decision.

What’s next for the CLCC?

A second version of the course is currently in development based upon the feedback received in the Communities of Practice, but the next big step is translating the course and delivering it entirely in Welsh.

In time, there is the possibility of starting new Carbon Literacy consortiums in different sectors or industries where Cynnal Cymru are available to offer that inception and on-going support role.

How the CLCC is breaking down barriers in climate education Read More »

Free Carbon Literacy Training

*Rural Newport includes the wards of Llanwern, Marshfield, Graig, Langstone, and Caerleon.

Up to 90 free online training places are available for members of the community in the area who’d like to know more about the Climate crisis and how to take action.

There are also up to 116 places available for Town or Community Councils and those looking after Community Buildings.

Carbon Literacy is a training course which develops an awareness of:

“the carbon costs and impacts of everyday activities and the ability and motivation to reduce emissions, on an individual, community and organisational basis.”

Participants will:

  • Develop action plans for themselves and a group
  • Use their knowledge for the benefit of their own lives, their local area and the Climate.
  • Those successfully completing the course will be awarded a certificate
  • Follow-up contact will help them maintain progress and share ideas to inspire others.


The course is “A day’s worth of learning spread across one week.”
Several cohorts will run online from January – March 2022 – you can see the available dates and booking links below
Participants will:

  • Join two online sessions (3hours each on different days)
  • Complete 1 hours worth of self-directed learning online at their convenience
  • Give a total time commitment of 7 hours across one calendar week.

Members of the Community – find your cohort here!

Choose a Cohort number from the table below. Follow the booking link and click on the cohort number to book your place on both Workshops.

Cohort Name and No.Workshop Dates and TimesBooking Link
Community Cohort 1 1. January 11th 2022 09:30-12:30
2. January 13th 2022 09:30 -12:30
Book your place
Community Cohort 2 1. January 25th 2022 18:00-21:00
2. January 27th 2022 18:00-21:00
Book your place
Community Cohort 31. February 21st 2022 13:30 – 16:30
2. February 23rd 2022 13:30 -16:30
Book your place

Town and Community Councils and those looking after Community Buildings – find your cohort here!

Choose a Cohort number from the table below. Follow the booking link and click on the cohort number to book your place on both Workshops.

Cohort Name and No.Workshop Dates and TimesBooking Link
Councils and Buildings Cohort 11. January 18th 2022 18:00-21:00
2. January 20th 2022 18:00-21:00
Book your place
Councils and Buildings Cohort 21. February 7th 2022 13:30-16:30
2. February 9th 2022 13:30 -16:30
Book your place
Councils and Buildings Cohort 31. February 21st 2022 13:30-16:30
2. February 23rd 2022 13:30 -16:30
Book your place
Councils and Buildings Cohort 4 1. March 8th 2022 09:30-12:30
2. March 10th 2022 09:30 – 12:30
Book your place

The free places are available thanks to Welsh Government Rural Communities – Rural Development Programme 2014-2020, which is supported by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development and the Welsh Government’

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Four ways Welsh businesses can tackle climate change

As COP26 comes to a close, many of us will be wondering what more we can do to tackle climate change.

As well as being the forum for governments to debate the way forward, it’s sparked wider discussions on the changes we all need to make.

Governments alone won’t solve the problem. Companies have a huge role to play too. Many businesses in Wales have already pledged action as part of the All Wales Plan to reach net zero or the UK Business Climate Hub (which also has useful tips on cutting emissions). Others have also added their voices to the Climate Cymru campaign, which is calling for strong commitments from government.

So what can your business do right now to make a difference? Whether you run a snack bar, solicitor’s or a steel plant, here are some key ways you can take action.

1. Tackle your energy use

At 29% of Wales’ emissions, our energy supply pumps out more greenhouse gases than any other sector – higher than transport or agriculture.

Fortunately, there’s plenty your business can do.

Switching to a green tariff will support renewables, but how about cutting how much energy you use too?

A survey by the Carbon Trust shows that 80% of SMEs in the UK are taking action on energy efficiency, with installation of LED lighting the most popular measure.

According to Business Wales, heating accounts for about half the energy used in offices. It also provides a guide to saving energy, starting with checking the building is insulated as thoroughly as possible.

One business that’s taken action on energy is Cardiff restaurant Kindle, which has installed sheep’s wool insulation and sensor controlled lighting.

2. Train your staff to be ‘Carbon Literate’

Cutting your emissions isn’t always easy.  This is where Carbon Literacy training comes in.

The course helps learners understand how climate change will affect them, and develop knowledge and skills to lower their carbon footprint.

One Welsh business that’s already benefitted is the country’s largest motor retail group, Sinclair Group. Nine senior representatives from the company recently took part, building on the firm’s existing work to cut emissions such as installing solar panels and switching to renewable energy providers.

Since doing the training, the managers have made a pledge, including giving customers access to electric courtesy cars and investing in ethical pension funds.

If you’re interested in getting your staff certified in carbon literacy, then check out our courses!

3. Protect and restore nature

We’re facing a nature crisis – one in six species in Wales is at risk of extinction – yet nature holds many of the solutions to global heating.

For example, trees absorb carbon from the atmosphere and lock it up for centuries. According to the Woodland Trust, a young wood with mixed native species can lock up 400+ tonnes of carbon per hectare.

Peatlands are another important carbon sink. Globally, they store more than double the amount of carbon than the world’s forests. Draining and digging peat up to use as garden compost however causes  it to break down with time, releasing the stored carbon dioxide and methane.

One example of a firm taking action is Cardiff-based Orchard Media & Events Group, which has partnered with Coed Hills Rural Artspace, to create its own ‘Orchard’ within the existing eco-friendly community.

Your business can help too. Perhaps you can seek advice on how to create, protect or restore habitats on any land you own or manage, or switch to using or promoting peat-free compost? The Nature Wise toolkit is a great place to start.

By signing up for our Nature Wise programme, you and your staff can learn more and get support with developing your own nature action plan.

4. Pay the real Living Wage

Making the shift to low carbon will mean some big changes, and it’s important that this change is fair to everyone, including those in high emitting industries or on low pay.

One thing your business can do is sign up to be a real Living Wage employer. Earning a real Living Wage helps people to make choices – with the food they buy, the gas and energy they use. This helps people to participate in being part of the solution to tackling climate change – mentally, physically and economically.

Ready to act?

Have these ideas inspired you to do more in your business to tackle climate change?

We’re here to help turn your sustainability aims into action, providing advice, training and connections – so please get in touch if you’re ready to take the next step.

Four ways Welsh businesses can tackle climate change Read More »

Sinclair Group Drives Ahead with Carbon Literacy

Coinciding with the opening of the COP26 global climate summit in Glasgow, the event was hosted by sustainable development company Cynnal Cymru, the official Welsh partner of the Carbon Literacy Project, as part of a day to catalyse action on climate change.

Nine senior representatives from the Sinclair Group undertook a bespoke training course at the National Botanic Garden of Wales in Llanarthne, Carmarthenshire, where they gained a better understanding of the impact of greenhouse gases and the effects of climate change together with an appreciation of the company’s own footprint and the influence this has on the local environments around its 21 dealerships and much further afield.

They are the first business in Wales to engage with the Carbon Literacy Project at a senior management level and the only motoring group so far. The Sinclair Group represents a number of motor manufacturers that are already taking significant strides towards an emission-free future with the electrification of their vehicle ranges. By 2025, Audi will offer more than 20 models with all-electric drive and estimates around 40 per cent of its sales will be for electrified models, whilst by the same date, Mercedes-Benz will produce electric-only vehicles as it gets ready to go all-electric by 2030.

Meanwhile as the decade draws to a close, Volkswagen intends to have increased the share of its all-electric vehicle deliveries to more than 70 per cent across Europe. From Brecon to Neyland, Sinclair employees are also making a difference following the appointment of ‘eco-champions’ at each site to co-ordinate colleague suggestions for green initiatives that can be introduced across the Group.

As a result, solar panels have been installed on the roofs of 10 of the Group’s dealerships to convert the sun rays into electricity. The company has also switched its energy supply to providers using renewable sources. Other ideas include the introduction of meat-free Mondays to encourage staff to opt for vegetarian/vegan options at the start of each working week, the use of china cups in showrooms instead of plastic or paper alternatives to reduce waste levels and the installation of recycling stations in every location.

“In partnership with the manufacturers, we recognise that as a retailer we have a responsibility to do all we can to best protect our environment and offset carbon. It is our aim to see an 80% reduction in our carbon footprint by 2035 and to be carbon neutral as an organisation by 2050”

“Our colleagues across the group are already making progress but, as Directors, we want to demonstrate our commitment too and, following our involvement in the Carbon Literacy Action Day, each of us has made a pledge that includes giving our customers access to electric courtesy cars, improving our provisions to car sharing and investing in ethical pension funds.”

“We want to inspire our staff to understand climate change, their role in it and to take positive action at home and at work. That way we can make a positive difference together.”

During their training session, the Sinclair Group received a virtual visit from the Carbon Literacy Project to share the actions resulting from their day of learning with over 30 other leading UK businesses participating in similar events around the country.

Andy Sinclair, Sinclair Group Managing Director

Cynnal Cymru has trained 548 people since they first introduced Carbon Literacy in Wales in 2017. Up until now, they have primarily provided this type of training for the leadership of local authorities but this is the first time that a course has been delivered for the executive directors of a leading Welsh business.

Lead trainer and Principal Consultant, Rhodri Thomas, explained:

“It’s not easy for executive teams to find the time to ask for training. It shows a level of humility, but it is also bold. In fact, it’s a sign of true leadership – being willing to learn in order to improve, innovate and ultimately succeed.
“The Sinclair Group recognises that this is a hugely significant moment for the motor industry. We must stop using fossil fuels – petrol and diesel, but can we really expect people to give up the convenience and freedom of personal mobility? We are on the verge of a revolution in transport and the Sinclair Group wants to lead the way by providing solutions for customers but also ensuring that their own behaviour is exemplary. Carbon Literacy is the perfect tool for bringing about this profound change in business culture.”

Rhodri Thomas, Lead Trainer and Principal Consultant, Cynnal Cymru-Sustain Wales

The National Botanic Garden of Wales provided a fitting location to host the landmark event.

“It was great to welcome the Sinclair Group to the Botanic Garden and help celebrate a real ‘first’”

“We were delighted they chose us as the venue for their milestone ‘seize-the-day’ moment.”

Huw Francis, Director, National Botanic Garden of Wales

Sinclair Group Drives Ahead with Carbon Literacy Read More »

765 Citizens Certified on Carbon Literacy Action Day

On November 1st 2021, to coincide with the first day of negotiations at COP26, Carbon Literacy Action Day took place as a fully inclusive and open to all climate education action. We witnessed thousands of people from all walks of life, sectors, genders, ages and nations all around the world, participate and complete their days’ worth of Carbon Literacy training.

Virtual visits to courses and initiatives were live-streamed throughout the day, and at 17:00 GMT a virtual global tour via Zoom was commenced, giving participants and their groups the opportunity to share some of the best actions coming from their learners. At the same time, the total number of learners participating in the Action Day was being tabulated and actions counted with estimates of the predicted amount of CO2e saved as a consequence.

765 citizens received Carbon Literacy certification on this one day, across the globe as part of the largest ever low-carbon climate education day and developed a greater understanding of climate change and how to take immediate and effective action to tackle the climate crisis.

Cynnal Cymru-Sustain Wales are the partner for the Carbon Literacy Project in Wales, and you can read about our contribution to the tally in collaboration with members Sinclair Group.

The total of organisations with employees who have completed Carbon Literacy training with us in Wales now stands at 116. This has resulted in 548 certified citizens and 1096 actions pledged.

765 Citizens Certified on Carbon Literacy Action Day Read More »

Carbon Literacy Train-the-Trainer

Carbon Literacy

Carbon Literacy: “An awareness of the carbon dioxide costs and impacts of everyday activities, and the ability and motivation to reduce emissions, on an individual, community and organisational basis.”

Whether you are an organisation looking to build knowledge and capacity across your whole organisation or an individual in a position to lead, we’ll help you to develop the practical skills, knowledge and confidence to become an advocate for Carbon Literacy with the confidence to be the best trainer you can be.

From an individual...

To a team of colleagues...

To a whole organisation!

The course

Our Carbon Literacy Train-the-Trainer programme is a three day interactive course for organisations that want to develop the skills and capacity to deliver Carbon Literacy training within their own teams. 


Three days

Facilitated Sessions

Online or in person

Group Sessions

Minimum of four people

£750 + VAT

Per person

Who is this course for?

Carbon Literacy works on the principle of peer-to-peer learning and encourages people to learn together, sharing knowledge and experiences along the way. This award-winning approach enables people of all abilities to work with their colleagues to identify and take positive, practical action

This course is suitable for:

  • For organisations that want to build capacity their own team for peer-to-peer training
  • For individuals who are Carbon Literacy certified and are in a position to train their colleagues in Carbon Literacy.

This is not a formal training / teaching qualification but it will help you and your team to prepare and develop their own Carbon Literacy course.

Course themes:

Being the best trainer you can be

Core principles of adult education, learning how best to convey information to others, creating an atmosphere conducive to learning and sharing, lesson content and planning, and training techniques.

Knowing your subject – being an Advocate for Carbon Literacy

Developing your knowledge of the Carbon Literacy project; history, objectives, The Carbon Literacy Standard, assessment methods, and certification process.

The Practical Element

Presenting a micro-teach and peer assessing the work of others to improve your practical experience of Carbon Literacy delivery

Course tutors

Bethan Harvey

Training Officer

Bethan Harvey is a Training Officer at Cynnal Cymru and leads on the delivery of the online Carbon Literacy open courses.

Bethan has four years training experience both in a community setting and at A-level and a Professional Graduate Certificate (PGCE) in Adult Education and Training.


Carbon Literacy logo

About the Carbon Literacy Project

Carbon Literacy is a concept created in Manchester by Cooler Projects Ltd. and its partners. It is governed by the Carbon Literacy Trust.

The Carbon Literacy Project offers everyone a day’s worth of Carbon Literacy learning, covering – climate change, carbon footprints, how you can do your bit, and why it’s relevant to you and your audience.

The Carbon Literacy Project is globally unique – there is nothing else quite like it anywhere. It was recognised as such by the UN at COP21, in Paris, where it was awarded as a TAP100, one of 100 worldwide Transformative Action Programs.

About Cynnal Cymru

Cynnal Cymru – Sustain Wales is the leading organisation for Sustainable Development in Wales.

Cynnal Cymru is the official partner in Wales for the award-winning Carbon Literacy Project

In April 2020, Cynnal Cymru was further recognised as a Carbon Literacy Training Organisation – the first in Wales.

Get in touch

029 2043 1746

We typically work Monday -Thursday, 9-5pm


Frequently asked questions

Sign up for our newsletter

Our monthly newsletter includes a round up of the latest sustainability news as well as updates on our latest training opportunities.

Carbon Literacy Train-the-Trainer Read More »

Climate Change Essentials

Climate Change Essentials

An introduction to reducing your carbon footprint


The course


4 hours

Self Directed Learning

4-5 hours

Who is this Course for?

This course is suitable for

For individuals

Individuals will understand the causes and consequences of climate change, locally and across the world. They will be able to evaluate the contributions they make to climate change and the power they have to make a positive difference.

Standard course

  • Price per person
  • Standard course
  • Discount for Cynnal Cymru Members
  • Learn as part of a group of up to 15 people
  • Ongoing access to the course materials
  • A digital certificate unique to you

Courses unique to you

Our standard course can be tailored to reflect your industry or sector. We can also develop the course for different levels and abilities throughout your organisation.

For a more in depth approach we can also help you design a completely new course, unique to your organisation. Please get in contact for more details.

Get in touch

029 2043 1746

We typically work Monday -Thursday, 9-5pm


Frequently asked questions

Sign up for our newsletter

Our monthly newsletter includes a round up of the latest sustainability news as well as updates on our latest training opportunities.

Climate Change Essentials Read More »

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Launch of the Carbon Literacy Train-the-Trainer course

This month we will be launching our new Carbon Literacy Train-the-Trainer course. Developed by certified Carbon Literacy trainers, Rhodri Thomas and Bethan Harvey, this new course will enable organisations to develop the capacity to train their own staff inhouse.

The themes for this course are:

  1. Being the best trainer you can be
    Core principles of adult education, learning how best to convey information to others, creating an atmosphere conducive to learning and sharing, lesson content and planning, and training techniques.
  2. Knowing your subject – being an Advocate for Carbon Literacy.
    Developing your knowledge of the Carbon Literacy project; history, objectives, The Carbon Literacy Standard, assessment methods, and certification process.
  3. The Practical Element – presenting a micro-teach and peer assessing the work of others to improve your practical experience of Carbonn Literacy delivery

Who is this course for?

  • Individuals who are Carbon Literacy certified and are in a position to train their colleagues or others in Carbon Literacy.
  • For organisations that want to build capacity within teams to train peers.
  • People can attend the course as part of an open group or larger organisations can book the course for private delivery for a groups of a minimum of 4 colleagues.

Course duration: three days over a week

The course lasts for three full days (each day covering one of the themes in detail) over a week and will typically be delivered face to face but can be taken online in accordance with COVID-19 safety precautions. It is a highly interactive course involving group activities and the practicing of teaching skills – this includes several opportunities to practice and a dedicated day for micro-teaching.

Course tutors

The tutors are Bethan Harvey and Rhodri Thomas. They both have a Professional Graduate Certificate in Adult Education and are certified Carbon Literate. Rhodri is a certified Carbon Literacy Project trainer.


The course fee is £750 plus VAT per person.

This is not a formal training / teaching qualification but it will help your team to prepare, develop and deliver their own Carbon Literacy course.

Launch of the Carbon Literacy Train-the-Trainer course Read More »

01 November | Carbon Literacy Action Day

To coincide with Day 1 of the UN COP26 negotiations in Glasgow this November, The Climate Literacy Project are staging the first-ever Carbon Literacy Action Day. The Action Day will catalyse action on climate change through Carbon Literacy training, getting everyone involved in delivering positive action to address climate change wherever they are.

The Action Day is fully inclusive and open to all, and on November 1st we will witness thousands of people from all walks of life, sectors, genders, ages and nations all around the world, participate and complete their days’ worth of Carbon Literacy training.

The Carbon Literacy Project will be making and sharing virtual visits to courses and initiatives throughout the day, but at 17:00 GMT they will commence a virtual tour by Zoom, giving participants and their groups the opportunity to share some of the best actions coming from their learners. At the same time we will tabulate the total number of learners that have participated in the Action Day, count their actions and estimate the predicted amount of CO2e saved as a consequence.

Why get involved?

  • Be a part of the first-ever Carbon Literacy Action Day
  • Participate in the largest ever low-carbon climate education day
  • Develop a greater understanding of climate change and take immediate and effective action to tackle the climate crisis
  • Use the Action Day as a catalyst to generate increased levels of involvement, activity and Carbon Literacy within your organisation
  • Expand the audience for your Carbon Literacy training
  • and Last but certainly not least, if you aren’t already; become certified as Carbon Literate!

01 November | Carbon Literacy Action Day Read More »

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