Carbon Accounting

A new advice service from Cynnal Cymru

What Is Carbon Accounting?

Carbon accounting (sometimes known as carbon footprinting) is the process of calculating the your organisation's carbon emissions.

Our carbon accounting service is a great start towards becoming a climate hero. When you can measure your impact, you can improve it.

Carbon accounting is a way of estimating the impact an organisation has on the climate by calculating how much greenhouse gas that organisation emits. Carbon accounting can be done on a small scale, such as measuring paper use, or on a much larger scale that measures every aspect of an organisation’s processes and purchases. 

Like financial accounting, carbon accounting quantifies the impact of business activities on the climate.  

Benefits of carbon accounting

Carbon accounting provides your organisation with: 

Greater ability to demonstrate commitments to reducing climate change, in line with international standards and targets.

Comprehensive data analysis to drive the most efficient and impactful actions.

Robust and transparent results for your Board, employees, customers and potential partners or commissioners.

Enhanced brand and profile.

Our carbon accounting services have been developed specifically to support small charities and SMEs to deliver targeted emissions reductions in line with national strategies and global targets.

Find out how we can support you on your journey

Why choose Cynnal Cymru?

We are a Carbon Literate Training Organisation that works with partners to ensure that our methods reflects the best practice and the latest science.

We work across sectors and at a pace to suit you.

How we will work with you

We understand that sometimes the challenge is not just to calculate data but to identify and collect it in the first place.

A dedicated advisor will therefore be assigned to help you understand, map and plan your data collection so that a carbon footprint can be calculated. Once that is done, we will help you use the data to plan reductions and set targets that can be monitored year-on-year.

Whether we act as a springboard to provide tools and guidance or stay with you as trusted advisors for the whole journey, our approach is to embed learning so that your organisation can move forward swifter and smarter. 

1. Initial consultation

2. Data collection and analysis

3. Footprint reporting and communication

Curious if Carbon Accounting is right for you?


A carbon footprint measures the amount of greenhouse gas emissions that an organisation or other entity generates, either directly or indirectly.

Carbon accounting (sometimes known as carbon footprinting) is the process involved in calculating the footprint.

Whatever term you use, the process of generating a carbon footprint enables organisations to:

  • better understand their emissions and opportunities for reduction
  • set and monitor targets in line with international standards and targets
  • compare performance year on year

Cynnal Cymru’s carbon accounting service has been developed specifically to support smaller businesses and organisation including charities and other non-profits. We understand the operational realities of small and micro organisations that may not have dedicated sustainability or IT teams.

Our service is therefore particularly suited to:

  • Organisations of up to 49 employees
  • Organisations in one building or location – including rented offices
  • Organisations that offer services rather than sell and manufacture goods
  • Organisations that want to go beyond spend-based calculation method

The data required to calculate an accurate carbon footprint will vary according to each organisation. However, the most commonly and high-quality usage data includes: 

  • Number of staff;
  • Company turnover;
  • Metered gas, water, and electricity use;
  • Weight and type of waste;
  • Types, number and weight of goods purchased;
  • Money spent on services;
  • Miles, type of transport and destination for business travel and staff commute.  

If this data is not available, we can work with you to help gather it and to set up systems for the future. We can also advise on more technical data collection if this is required by your business operations.  

In short, yes.

Carbon accounting typically covers emissions across:

Scope 1 (Fuel and company vehicles)

Scope 2 (electricity)

and Scope 3 (purchased goods and services, capital goods, fuel- and energy-related activities, transportation and distribution, waste generated in operations, business travel, employee commuting, leased assets, processing of sold products, use of sold products, end of life treatment of sold products, franchises, investments).

Most of the organisation we aim to help might have no emissions from Scope 1, for example if they are renting an office or vehicle fleet but will most certainly have emissions from Scope 2 and in Scope 3 associated with purchased goods and services, waste generated in operations, business travel, and employee commuting or homeworking.

We will work with you to explore the data that you hold or have access to and advise about how your organisation’s footprint can be generated.

We will work with you to agree a timeline that can accommodate any existing work priorities, pinch points and deadlines. The service can be completed within 3 months if all required data is available. We are flexible in working with clients over longer timeframes if needed and will support you to set realistic stages and milestones.

When you contact us, we will talk through what data we need, what you already have available and what else you might need to collect. This will help us tailor a realistic quote for your organisation.

If all data is in place, our prices start from £2,250 plus VAT. This will give you:

  • A full carbon footprint assessment
  • Recommendations for emissions reduction
  • A final report that can be shared with your organisation’s board, customers and wider stakeholders

We also aim to share knowledge and learning along the way so that you can continue your journey – with or without our help – in future years.

Yes – and there are many tools out there to help you.

If you feel ready to go solo but just need some initial advice, we are happy to point you in the right direction. You can also consider becoming a Cynnal Cymru member to get access to our consultants who can talk you through the process for free, as part of the membership package.

Whatever stage of the journey you are at, just get in touch!

Yes. Cynnal Cymru members and the not-for-profit organisations are eligible for discounts up to 10%. Please enquire for details.

Get in contact

If you have any questions or would like to find out more, please get in touch.

Tel. 029 2294 0810

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