12 December 2024 | Member Update

29 January |Growing the sustainability workforce | Sbarc|Spark

How do you develop a sustainability career? For so many starting or changing career paths, making that first step into a sustainability role can be difficult. Join Cynnal Cymru in a facilitated discussion on how to upskill your workforce or develop your own green skills. 

Cynnal Cymru Members can get two free places to this event. Spaces are subject to availability – contact Abi to register your free place.

18 December |Integrated Sustainability Taster Workshop| Online

Are you starting your sustainability journey? Looking to understand how to apply sustainability strategy to your organisation? Join Camille Lovgreen in our open Integrated Sustainability Taster Workshop, where you can begin to understand what goes into sustainable strategy and look at next steps for your organisation.

Cynnal Cymru members receive one free place on the Integrated Sustainability Taster Workshop. Spaces are subject to availability – contact Abi to register your free place.

Things you should know

The Living Wage Wales 2024 Gift Guide is now live! You can buy from, or visit all of these employers whilst being reassured that the workers involved are being paid fairly for their work

Carbon Literacy Cartrefi Cymru (CLCC) celebrates five years of knowledge sharing and collaborative problem solving through Carbon Literacy.

Biodiversity COP16 was suspended in the morning of Nov. 2nd but not before countries agreed on an expanded role of Indigenous Peoples and local communities in saving biodiversity. The Science Weekly podcast breaks down the key negotiations and what is to be expected for COP17.

Trydan Gwyrdd Cymru have become an accredited Living Wage Employer, only a few months since their launch by Welsh Government. Contact LivingWage@cynnalcymru.com for support on becoming an accredited employer.

Being human in the age of disinformation. Dr Karolina Rucinska discusses the role of trust in climate communication.Cymru to offer a series of affordable short communications training courses.  

Our thriving community of mutually supportive members provides an opportunity to share learning, challenge thinking and mobilise action, be this through co-designed events, hosting networking sessions or simply sowing seeds for future collaborations or thought-leadership.

If you would like to talk to a member of the team about how we can support your organisation, please contact membership@cynnalcymru.com

Join a growing movement for positive change >>

12 December 2024 | Member Update Read More »